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Shekinah Sharpe's Project

Shekinah Sharpe is currently completing the final year of her chiropractic journey and soon joins the ranks of Doctor of Chiropractic, December 2021. Shekinah’s journey into chiropractor health was unexpected yet smooth. Growing up, Shekinah always had a fascination for the human body. As she furthered her education with knowledge of the body during undergrad studies, Shekinah only furthered her love for and lack of understanding of the human body. Thinking the PT route was the way to go, Shekinah once introduced to Chiropractic, fell in love with being able to affect change in the body by using hands only, thus fell in love with chiropractic. While on her journey through chiropractic school, Shekinah stumbled upon Mission Life International’s Haiti’s Mission. After taking advantage of this mission opportunity, the snowball
started rolling down the hill. Not knowing what to expect on the first Haiti Mission Trip, Shekinah blissfully entered the country thinking she was going to infect change. Little did she know, the opposite would occur. She would be the agent infected and the agent changed. The love, the
environment, the energy of the people, and the people themselves set her heart on fire to want to do more. Shekinah now joins our Board of Directors after providing toiletries (during her second mission trip) and then helping raise $7500 in a matter of months (during her third trip) to enhance the quality of life and promote the wellbeing of the children in the partner orphanage in Haiti. All of Shekinah’s assistance was unsolicited. She saw a need and met a need. Shekinah’s journey with Mission Life International has just commenced as she has her sights set on so many more projects for the future of the orphanage. We are happy to have her as part of the team.

Project Impact Spring 2021
This Spring’s project directly helps and improves the quality of life for the orphans as well as aids
in creating a self-run organization. Currently the Orphanage is run down and quite dysfunctional.
The goal is to rebuild a place that will sustain the current orphans as well as provide a productive
and safe living environment for future orphans. The long-term goal will further create
opportunities for the orphans to grow up and establish a career in a country that is otherwise
designed for them to fail.

All proceeds go toward:

 Remodeling the bathrooms
 Updating the plumbing
 Repainting the buildings
 Renovating the kitchen
 Purchasing better utilities for the kitchen
o Refrigerator
o Microwave
o Cookware
o Utensils
o Shelving for food storage
 Building more bedrooms (currently 10 share a room)
 Providing storage and lockers for the orphans
 Furthering educational possibilities for the orphans (Trade School
opportunities/University options)
 Adding Windows to the current rooms
 Installing Solar panels for electricity

(Solar panels allow the orphanage to independently operate from the government, as currently
the government only allows electricity from certain hours of the day/night.)

We ask companies/donors to invest in the lives of these orphans by donating:

 $100
 $500
 $1000
 $3000
 $5000
 $__________ preferred amount

We also have a monthly donation option:

 $100 a month
 $200 a month
 $500 a month
 $1000 a month
 $_________ preferred monthly amount

All donations are tax deductible as Mission Life International is a 501(c)3.

©2018 by Mission Life International, Inc. Proudly created by A.L.O

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