Mission Life Birthing Center

Ouanaminthe has a very precarious health system. It is mostly private, unfocused, and unaffordable to the average inhabitant. Therefore, there is a high rate of maternal and infant mortality, lower life expectancy in the region, little access to health services for women. This proposal is intended to set up a Maternal-community-oriented health center, which provides an accessible, efficient and quality alternative so that patients can have access to it, at a reasonable (or no cost), a short waiting period and a better outcome.
We have created a safe place for Haitian women to receive compassionate and respectful care at the hands of skilled midwives and chiropractors. No one will be turned away. Every morning many women start their day waiting to be seen by the midwives. Women enter (in labor) to our sanctuary to safety to have their babies.
The site of our professional building is on our Mission Life International Village of Hope property. We have 4 other buildings on this property. A building that houses our chiropractic orphanage. A kitchen building with a large kitchen on the ground floor and 4 rooms with bathrooms upstairs. Our gazebo restaurant has the capacity to host 100 people.
Along with chiropractic, prenatal and postnatal care, the Birthing Center is also a “Women’s and baby’s Health and Teaching Center,” providing educational classes. We are focused on healthy mothers and babies. Moms and moms to be who visit us leave with a better understanding of life and health.
We have already invested over $80,000 US in the creation of our Birthing and Chiropractic Center building. Donations came from
Life University $20,000
New Beginnings $10,000
Ryan Cecil $5,000
$10,000 from multiple individuals
$35,000 from Peter Morgan, DC
Our Board contributes $3,330 monthly
It cost us $75 for each mom and baby. This includes evaluating mom during first trimester, all follow up visits, the birth of the child at our birthing center, vitamins and other follow up visits. Includes midwifery care and Chiropractic care of mom and baby. Please consider donating $75 and we will send you photos of mom and baby. You can even come on a mission trip and meet them in person.
Currently we need funding for our computer lab. Life University will award scholarships towards online bachelor’s degrees for our staff and our graduating children from our family home
We need additional funds as a contingency $500 a month (medication, emergency equipment, attorney fees, legal paper, stationery, glassware, etc.)
We need water, phone, internet and cable: $140 a month.
Mission Life International currently provides room and board for four midwives. Additional funding is needed to build an apartment on our second floor for future chiropractic staff.
Our music school needs an additional funds so that we can teach more orphaned children how to play musical instruments.
Total financial requirements to move forward: $2000/Month (minimum).
We are praying that our board could help us generate $2,000 a month of donations.
Please donate $25, 50, or 75 a month. Anyone who donates $200 or more a month for one year would be welcome on one of our mission trips for free. This includes room and board at the Codevi Hotel.
Contributor's Name on the building: $20,000 Note: Life University has already contributed $40,000.
For $500 a month we can create a mural on our walls dedicated to the donator. (must commit to at least 1 year)
Contributor's Name on a hallway: $3600/year can be paid in monthly installments of $300/month (must commit to at least 1 year).
Contributor's Name on room: $2400 /year can be paid in monthly installments of $200/month (must commit to at least 2 years)
Contributor's Name on a brick: $100
Contributor's Name listed on website as a donor: $120/year can be paid in monthly installments of $10/month, (must commit to at least 2 years)
$75 a month: Contributor's Name on one of the 33 principles painted on walls or floors or sides of buildings.
Mission Life Birthing Center Board Members
Adrienne Fabrizio, DC Marble City Family Chiropractic LLC
Brian Beard, DC Michael Provost, DC
Pam Jarboe, DC Patti Giuliano, DC
Clark Stieren, DC Pete Brettingen, DC
Lona Cook, DC Robert Crystal ,DC
Geert Binne de Vries Shelby Henriksen, DC
Gerry Liboiron, DC Spencer Surmont, DC
Gilles LaMarche, DC Thomas Dow
J Bruck Cretsinger, DC Tim Morgan
Janet Hammond, DC Tom Uitslag
Jenene Cherney ,DC Stephen Simonetti, DC
Joshua Cho, DC Carmen Gogu, DC
Kerith Powell, DC Bright Life Chiropractic
Lauren Georges, DC Cafe of Life Center for WellBeing
League of Chiropractic Women Inside Out Chiropractic
Mission Life Birthing Center Officers
Founder and President Mission Life International. Current Non-Profit status in the Dominican Republic, USA and Haiti.
Founder and Executive Director Organisation Des Families Pour La Croissance Des Enfants Demunis. Mission Pour La Vie Internacionale. Mission Life International Family orphanage and Chiropractic Center Ouanaminthe, Haiti. Founder and President of Mission Life International FOUNDATION.
Founder and Director of Dr. Peter Morgan’s ChiroMissions. Current WCA NGO (non-governmental organization) chiropractic representative to the United Nations' Department of Public Information.
Current ICA Representative to Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
Co-founder and President of the Latin America Chiropractic Association. Founding member of ONE CHIROPRACTIC. Board Member World Chiropractic Alliance.
Private Chiropractic Practice in New York City Since 1986. Past International Committee International Federation of Chiropractic Organizations. Past President of the New York Chiropractic Council. Current Manhattan District President.
Medical Director: of Chronic Care International (CCI) 2012-2014
Medical Director: of National Evangelical University/ DR.2014-2017.
Administrative Director: of Univers Centre Medical, W. Haiti. 2018-2019.
Medical Director: of Danita’s Children Medical Center. 2019-2020.
Binational Haiti/DR Coordinator: Hernia Repair for the Undeserved (HRFU), 2012-present.
Medical Coord. Foundation for the International Medical Relief of Children, 2013-present.
CEO and Founder, Ouanaminthe Community Medical Center 2020-present
3. ALEX THONY, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, Mission Life Chiropractic Orphanage
Coordinator of Mission Life International and Chiromissions in Ouanaminthe, Haiti
Former pharmacist at University Medical Center.
4.Certified Professional Midwife CPM
Mettleus Kesline Edouard
St. Phard Denise
Benoit Juna
Haiti has the highest maternal and infant mortality rate in the Western Hemisphere. Mission Life International believes no woman or baby should die during childbirth. Nearly all maternal and infant deaths in Haiti are preventable with access to a skilled birth attendant. Our mission is to increase access to skilled maternal care along with skilled chiropractic care. Our programs are designed to educate and empower women.
Maternal health refers to the health of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postnatal period. Each stage should be a positive experience, ensuring women and their babies reach their full potential for health and well-being.
The most common direct causes of maternal injury and death are excessive blood loss, infection, high blood pressure, unsafe abortion, and obstructed labor, as well as indirect causes such as anemia, malaria, and heart disease. Most maternal deaths are preventable with timely management by a skilled health professional working in a supportive environment.
Mission Life Birthing Center addresses the most important issues of the health environment of the community of Ouanaminthe, Haiti. It is also an effort to propose to its inhabitants’ new services, including chiropractic and chiropractic lifestyle education, as it relates to community-oriented maternal health. We propose that this will solve some of the deficiencies that affect the community.
During the period of January 2010 to January 2013 our chiropractic orphanage placed over 1,000 Haitian children who became orphaned in the January 2010 earthquake with Haitian families who lost their own children.
Our organization has led 108 mission trips during the last 20 years.
Mission Life International presently clothes, feeds and houses 40 children in Ouanaminthe, Haiti. Our education arm educated our 40 children at our Mission Life Orphanage and 100 children at Pastor Prospers school.
Mission Life International has built wells, installed water filtration systems and built desks and blackboards since the devastating earthquake of 2010.
In January 2013, we moved our children into better housing with a security guard and employed a nun to help provide structure in their daily routine and assist in their daily activities.
We have finished construction of new housing for our children.
We have brought approximately 3,500 Doctors to Haiti since 2002.
We have purchased land for Pastor Prosper who was about to lose his church and school. We have built a church and Christian school for Pastor Prosper’s congregation.
We have created a Village of Hope. The village houses many children. We have built a motorcycle repair shop and parts store.
We have completed the construction of the chiropractic health and birthing center.
Our outdoor restaurant is almost complete.
We are in the process of creating a sewing center. We have four professional sewing machines, and we are in the process of teaching our older children how to create a line of maternity clothing
We pray that all our orphaned children will have jobs or study at a university when they reach 18 yo.
Currently our mission employs 20 people from Haiti.
Thank you for this opportunity to present this to you. We believe that this is in alignment with the vision and values of Mission Life International. We look forward to more miracles that will come from this endeavor.
Many blessings,
Peter Morgan, DC